


【仮定法現在】 ex) If it rains tomorrow, the game will be postponed next week.  




     ex) If my next-door neighbor’s TV were not so loud, I could sleep


 ★仮定法過去では、条件節はS + 動詞は過去形,帰結節の形はS+助動詞の過去形 +本動詞。 


     ex) If I had had enough money, I could have bought the picture. 


 ★仮定法過去完了の条件節の形はhad +過去分詞,帰結節は,助動詞の過去形+have +過去分詞 

【仮定法未来】 現在や未来に対する極めて可能性の低い事を仮定する 

     ex) If it should rain tomorrow, I would be at home.   (万が一明日雨が降れば、私は家にいる)


また、仮定法未来には意味範囲が広い場合においてwere to do を用いることもある。

 Ⅰ 未来に対する極めて可能性が低い事柄の仮定 Ⅱ 絶対にあり得ない事柄の仮定 

 この二つの条件の場合、were to do を使う。

 Ⅰ If a burglar were to break into your house, what would you do? 

  = If a burglar should break into your house, what would you do?  

 =Should a burglar break into your house, what would you do? 【ifの省略】 


Ⅱ If the sun were to rise in the west, I would be hanged. 


 解説) 太陽が西から昇るなんて絶対にあり得ない出来事なので仮定法未来を使う【不変の真理】 

 ★If に代わる語句   

Supposed (that) / supposing (that) / Provided (that) / Providing (that)/ On (the) condition that

 / In case (that)/ Grant(that) / Granted(that) / Granting(that) この3つだけ「たとえ〜だとしても」と訳す。 



If were not for ~ 

=But for ~ 「もし〜がなければ」

 =Without ~

 ex) If were not for water, nothing could live.    

         =But for water, nothing could live.  

         =Without water, nothing could live.

I wish ~ 「〜ならばいいのに」

= If only

 =Would (that) 

 ex) I wish I were a bird. =If only I were a bird. 

 = Would (that) I were a bird. (鳥だったらいいのに)


If had not been for ~

= But for ~ 「もし〜がなかったら」 

=Without ~

 I wish ~ 

If only ~ (〜だったら良かったのに) 

without ~ 


条件節が仮定法過去完了 帰結節が仮定法過去のみの組み合わせを混合の仮定法と言う。

 ex) Unless he had not worked hard when (he was) young, he might be a failure.

   = As he worked hard when young, he success. 



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